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Dear friends of the didgeridoo, I am very happy that you have found my homepage. My name is Carl Jungwirth and in 2019 I founded my didgeridoo manufacture "Carlidooskope". I mainly produce high-end concert quality didgeridoos. The artificial name "Carlidooskope" is derived from the Carleidoscope, which means something like (looking at beautiful pictures) and is made up of my nickname Carli, the didgeridoo and the telescope as a sliding mechanism. I mainly use local hardwoods for my handmade, high-quality slide didgeridoos. These are worked out with special tools from whole tree trunks without the body of the didgeridoos being cut open. Even as a child, I was inspired by indigenous peoples with their musical instruments and their life in harmony with nature. My first aerophone was a piece of garden hose that I used as a horn. At the age of 10 I learned the trumpet and at the age of 16 I wanted my first didgeridoo. I was immediately fascinated by the upper and lower-note archaic sound of the didgeridoo. If a constant rhythm is played with the didgeridoo, the brain can go into a trance state. This was also used by the North Australian Aborigines for their dream time rituals. It was considered by the inventors of the first wind instrument, certainly in spirit, beautiful images. Carlidooscopes


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Carl Jungwirth

Tel: +4369910567241


Dieses traumhafte Stück ist heute bei mir angekommen! Klingt perfekt, sieht so schön aus ! Ich bin nur noch happy!

Danke Carl für deine genialen Instrumente

Claudia R. Österreich 2022

Hy Carl! es ist angekommen, es ist ein unglaublich geiles Didge! Eine Präzisionsmaschiene! Es ist mit nichts , was ich bisher an Didgeridoos gespielt habe vergleichbar! Das ist eine ganz andere Welt, bist du arg! So leicht und präzise zu spielen, dass es mir so vorkommt, als könnte ich jetzt viel schnellere und variablere Kombinationen spielen wie noch nie. Weiß nicht was ich sagen soll! Hammer 

Heiko J. (Boxidro) Österreich 2022

Hello Carl, Just received the Didgeridoo today. It's really a great instrument! Awesome sound, very confortable to play, mouthpiece is perfect and the slide systhem quite good to. I'll use it with love and creativity.

Erwann T. (Waagal) France 2019

So Beautiful and shiny and the sound is just amazingly super galactic. Quality of work is top quality!

its an absolute beauty and beast! 

Lucia Z. (Sirian Dweller) UK  2022

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